Letting Go

What makes you hold on to something where you just cant seem to let go. Like notes, letters, cards, etc. I know I have a box full of birthday cards, notes, and letters from friends and family. I cant tell you when I actually last looked at them, but for some reason I just keep on saving them and never throw them away! Even the littlest things I hold on to thinking oh well maybe I will need to use this one day or I could use this for a project, you just never know what might come in handy some day.  Or what about relationships/girls/boys… Friendships that have had some rough spots that maybe just need to be ended, but its like you feel like you have this tie with someone and youve been dependent on one another so you just cant give them up.  Or maybe its someone you like or have dated etc. Like when a guy keeps pursuing you and your not into him but he just cant get the hint.  Dont you just want to tell him let go! Move on! Its never gonna happen! (I dont think I could ever specifically say that, but you get the drift?)Then I think maybe guys think that about girls too. We can be emotional and are worried to death that we are going to get our hearts broken. I dont think us girls really pay attention to the fact that maybe we are breaking guys hearts too.  Then maybe we all dont realize how eachother feels because it seems like no one can just come up and lay it all out. Say heres the deal this is whats up maybe you like the person maybe you dont. Couldnt it be so much more simple if relationship stuff went that way.

Are guys really that oblivious sometimes? But then I know some girls, like me, are not the pursuing type so guys I like/liked may not have even realized that I was interested. So Maybe guys need to have everything laid out right in front of them, but then what about the girls like me who arent the type to be all over some guy just to flatter him. I have recently realized that this has caused a dilemma for me.   Im kinda old fashioned in the fact that I think guys should do more of the pursuing, I dont do well at flirting. THen again my mom asked my dad out, and if she hadn’t they prob would not be together today.  I know im a girl it should be the natural thing to do right? yea well for some reaon when it comes to the guys I like, i think I put up a wall because I am too afraid of being hurt.  I know..ridiculous. Cause at the end of the day what do you have to lose?!

Or how do you know when to just to let go and move on. There’s a quote im sure everyone has heard thats along the lines of, if you can’t get them off of your mind maybe they are supposed to be there.  It’s pretty cliche but really, if you cant quit thinking about someone maybe its for a reason. Its like you get to the point where every part of you wants to be done but theres like .09472684 some percent chance of a little hope that there is still something there.  No matter what you do or what people tell you, you still cant 100% be done. I know there are coincidences but I also think everything happens for a reason.  All those time you ran into that person when you couldnt stop thinking about him was just by chance? I dont know, maybe there is more to each run in to eachother than we realize. There are so many unanswered questions about life and love, and when your love story will begin, and right now I am on a crazy journey!

I love this qoute:

“Remember to be happy because you just never know who may be falling in love with your smile.”

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